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法國 Anne de Soléne 安妮莎琳

Anne de solene

安妮莎琳在1967年於法國Vosges成立,品牌名稱Anne de Soléne源自於創辦人法國Riston公爵夫人之名。安妮莎琳所擁有之工廠更是百年以上,整合法國在地資源與專業力,以浪漫、溫暖、創意為設計概念,呈現出自然多元,及法國浪漫風情的寢具設計。 安妮莎琳的近年來致力於將傳統與創新結合,更為提升舒適度,不斷尋找更頂級的棉,以高品質的棉作為床組的主要素材。其創新設計源自於法國傳統,其精緻及優雅品牌形象享譽全球,為許多法國各界名人所喜愛。
Since 1967, originated from Vosges, France with over a century of history, Anne de Soléne was named after Duchess Riston.  The brand produces towels, bath towels, bath robes, pillowcases and bed sheets etc. The romantic, warm design and creative concept present the natural, diverse and romantic style of bedding. The innovative design is based on French tradition. Anne de Soléne is devoted to integrate both tradition and innovation.  To keep on selecting the highest quality of cotton as the main bedding materials to supply better comfort level. Not only is Anne de Solene’s exquisite craftsmanship and elegant brand image renowned worldwide, but also a luxury product favored by many French celebrities.